Keep me in mind

If you like the sound of working for us but none of the roles we're advertising are the right fit, then get in touch and tell us a bit more about yourself. That way, if a suitable role comes up in the future, you'll already be in our system.
Southern Cross Horticulture
Yellow Tree

Be part of our purpose

At Southern Cross Horticulture, we're always looking for talented people to help us achieve our mission to create the world's best kiwifruit orchards and get nutritious kiwifruit to families everywhere. If you're not afraid to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in, and you like the sound of our values and culture, we have roles opening all the time that may suit you.  Tell us about your strengths, abilities and experience in your application and we can make contact if the right role comes up.

Country of Origin:
Do you have a legal status to work in New Zealand?
What kind of visa do you currently hold?
Do you have your own transport?
Do you have your own accommodation?
Thank you for your enquiry
We will be in touch with you very soon. In the meantime, you may find it interesting to browse through these links below.
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Call us - 0508 672 427

Call us on our toll-free number, and we’ll put you in touch with the right person.