Partner with a legacy of strong values and perseverance


Grounded in generations of building kiwifruit orchards

We planted our first kiwifruit orchard in 1977 and our family-owned operation was one of the first to adopt Gold and SunGold kiwifruit, so we have a deep-rooted understanding of plant cultivation that's been passed down the generations. Coming from a long line of farmers and rural people, we've inherited a pioneer ethos and a love for the land and this heritage keeps us going whether the sun's shining or times are tough. Backed by this kind of history, it's natural to think long-term and to strive for quality. That's why we build orchards to stand the test of time.

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Invest alongside us and our experience

We like to think we get great results thanks to our decades of experience, our commitment to innovation, and our unique vertically-integrated business model. The orchards we design, build and manage crop faster and produce bigger yields than the industry averages. Because we believe in doing a job right, they’re built to stand the test of time, which also makes them more cost-effective in the long-run. Our team has industry-leading expertise in everything from bare land procurement to orchard development to finance and audit to health and safety. When you invest alongside us you benefit from this expertise and, unlike a kiwifruit fund, you become a direct part-owner with us of a specific orchard. We typically invest up to 25% of the required equity, so we have plenty of skin in the game.

We’re looking for a long-term partnership

We’re in the kiwifruit industry for the long-haul, but we’re not trying to go it alone. We welcome long-term co-investors who share our values and identify with our mission to create the best kiwifruit orchards in the world, because this helps us develop more orchards, faster, and meet the world’s growing appetite for kiwifruit.


Our growth mindset helps proactively manage risk

A vertically integrated model

Our risk management starts with our unique vertically-integrated model for orchard development and management. That means we handle every part of the process so we can be highly selective about who we hire to help us. That goes for our team of over 100 specialists as well as carefully chosen trusted contractors, meaning we can ensure performance is up to our high standards.

Our end-to-end process is key to risk management

This starts with land selection, and with literally decades of experience we have an in-depth understanding of the types of land that create high-quality orchards. It includes orchard planning and construction, optimising design to each individual site. And it includes our nurseries that grow the plants we use in a controlled, scientific environment, and our hands-on establishment and management of the orchards.

Faster crops mean faster returns

We produce first crops significantly faster than the industry average, which also reduces risk by delivering a faster return on your investment.

Understanding the risks

Of course, in agriculture there are always some risks outside your control and it's important to us that investors understand them. They include disease and pests like Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, regulatory changes like review of the chemicals used on orchards, the effects of COVID-19, weather events, and geopolitics. We work hard to manage controllable risk and with our decades of experience, including steering our business successfully through the PSA crisis, we think you’re in pretty safe hands.


Values driving value

We judge ourselves on maintaining the highest ethical standards, and enhancing all our stakeholders—team, customers, shareholders, investors, and our community. As a family business, we put our good name behind every orchard and every decision that we make.


Track record of outstanding performance

We have a history of developing and managing kiwifruit orchards that consistently outperform the industry average (in terms of time to first crop and ongoing orchard returns). We achieve this by focusing on quality in all parts of the development and management process,  thorough design and planning, sound construction practices, and attentive management.

We’re careful with costs without compromising quality, and with 90-100 hectares per annum under development we have a strong track record of financial and investment management—our co-investors’ money and our own.

SCH Project Track Record vs. Zespri Average

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