October 9, 2023

Community impacts

At SCH, we are constantly looking to support our team and the wider community which includes sponsoring overseas nations

At SCH, we are constantly looking to support our team and the wider community which includes sponsoring overseas nations. SCH values the culture we have created with a multicultural company. As part of this, we celebrate many cultural events throughout the year such as Matariki, Philippine’s Independence Day, Guadalcanal markets, and many others.


To further support the cultures within SCH, we recently sponsored a kindergarten in Kiribati which included providing educational tools and equipment. Our People and Culture teams also delivered teddy bears (donated by the SCH team members) to diverse schools in the islands. The teddy bears were donated by the whole SCH team and taken over by our People & Culture team.


SCH also support our local communities. During the kiwifruit quiet season, our Seasonal Labour Unit (SLU) provided teams to replenish the Pukehina School forestry area by creating a wonderland. This included a team of some of our Kiribati boys removing weeds, clearing pathways, and building structures using their homegrown talents.

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