May 11, 2022

House on the Hill (Whakatane)

SCH supports Joel and Audra, who have opened their Whakatane home to under privileged youth who need a safe environment, pastoral care, food, and a happy, healthy place to be that helps guide and support them through a difficult period in their lives.

SCH supports Joel and Audra, who have opened their Whakatane home to under privileged youth who need a safe environment, pastoral care, food, and a happy, healthy place to be that helps guide and support them through a difficult period in their lives.

Joel and the kids cook for their families (who often do not have the money for wholesome food) and do bulk food deliveries to the wider community each Saturday morning.

It has been a dream of some of these kids to learn how to surf - thanks very much to Phil Williams and the establishment team for spending some time with them, teaching them the ropes and making their dream come true! Often, these children don’t have anyone interested in spending time with them or have been let down by their loved ones so often that they give up hope.

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