May 10, 2022

Kiribati RSE

Through providing employment opportunities to our RSE, we enable them to save and provide medical services, food, clothing, shelter and schooling for their children and villages where they would otherwise live in poverty.

Through providing employment opportunities to our RSE, we enable them to save and provide medical services, food, clothing, shelter and schooling for their children and villages where they would otherwise live in poverty.

Whilst with us, our RSE learn life skills such as budgeting, English, goal setting, nutrition and personal wellbeing. They are provided with free education and learn the skills of plumbing & building – this enables them to return home with their savings and build warm, dry homes for their families. Some of our RSE also return home with the knowledge of how to run a business, and set up sustainable income sources for their families for years to come.

It is our privilege to have RSE as part of our SCH Whanau – and they love exploring all the natural wonders that New Zealand has to offer! SCH has been fortunate enough to donate sporting equipment, stationery and supplies to our Kiribati RSE school in Abaokoro Village so far, and we are looking forward to further enhancing our RSE village communities with school upgrades and building restorations once the borders reopen.

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