March 15, 2021

Meet the team - Michaela Horcinova

Meet Michaela Horcinova our Seasonal Labour Unit (SLU) Partner and know her journey with Southern Cross Horticulture.

Michaela joined the SCH team in August 2018 as a backpacker, working in one of the Nursery Greenhouses for three months and then the Propagation Unit for four months. Originally planning to be in New Zealand for a year as a backpacker, Michaela has now been in New Zealand for three years and plans to apply for residency. Michaela is from Slovakia and holds a Masters degree in Tourism Management and Economics. After a few months at SCH Michaela’s valuable skill set was snapped up by the People and Culture (P&C) team. In this role Michaela travelled to the Solomon Islands with Lee (Head of People & Culture) recruiting team members through the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme. When the Seasonal Labour Unit (SLU) was established in September 2020, Michaela was offered the opportunity to move into the role and has relished the opportunity.

While working at SCH Michaela explains that she has “learnt a range of skills through dealing with people from different backgrounds and stories” which has used her adaptability strength on a daily basis. Michaela has enhanced lives and the community through being directly involved with RSE workers, organising for them to work for SCH which enables them to help their families back home. Her role also involves providing pastoral care and support for RSE’s. Michaela has been involved with SCH’s community projects with Impac Tauranga, a not-profit organisation to support youth and families in the Tauranga community.

Michaela describes the SCH culture as a strong team culture with the purpose of helping other people and the community. “SCH feels like a family, people care about each other, you are supported by others, there is always someone that will look after you, and you can feel the family culture”. Michaela loves working at SCH because of “the diversity the company gives employees through a range of opportunities and career pathways”. Michaela believes her workmates would most likely describe her as “calm, adaptable, and hard-working”. What is something that other employees at SCH will not know about Michaela? While at university she learnt one new language every year and is fluent in Slovak, English, German, and Czech!

Ka pai Michaela and thank you for all your hard work and dedication at SCH to develop world class kiwifruit orchards and enhance the lives of others.

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